What is devops?

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Mike 2 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #23387

    shruti singh

    DevOps is much more than just a set of tools or practices—it’s a cultural shift that empowers organizations to innovate, collaborate, and deliver value to their customers at a rapid pace. By breaking down silos, implementing CI/CD pipelines, embracing Infrastructure as Code, and prioritizing reliability and scalability, businesses can unleash the full potential of DevOps and thrive in today’s digital economy. Visit- Devops course in Nagpur.


    Alex Mike

    DevOps transcends mere toolsets; it’s a cultural revolution enabling organizations to innovate and deliver value swiftly. It Prioritizing reliability and scalability ensures success. Explore the transformative power of DevOps with a course. I am a Software engineer at the best software development services company that prioritizes DevOps methodologies to ensure efficiency and excellence in their deliverables.

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